Yasmin F. - Educator

“As an educator for almost 25 years, I continue to see a divide between best practice approaches and actual care. I am concerned that we do not have an equal playing field and our children and families are suffering due to lack of equality and access. We know brain research shows how crucial this stage of development is yet we have such an array of programs and lack there of. I am hopeful that the business players join the table and the return on investment is a leading force to better our communities. We have a major disconnect, what I teach and how we learn is so vastly underrepresented in our fields.”

What would the existence of an affordable, high-quality early education and child care program mean for you as an educator? What would be different if such a program existed?

The ability to find care according to the needs of your family in a central location and shared within numerous organizations can be helpful. All players need to be at the table from the bus drivers to the center chefs. This opportunity is a no brainer!

What else should lawmakers and policymakers know about your needs as an educator, especially as we recover from the COVID-19 crisis?

The ECE field is needing a revolution and since we in MA are leaders, let's show the world it can be done and in turn we build a better life for all.


Chloe B. Educator


Ariana D. - Educator